Creating a Board Meeting Agenda
In preparation for each monthly board meeting, there will be a meeting held one week prior with the Board President, Chief Education Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Data Verification and Compliance Specialist to set the agenda. Any items that need to be addressed at the board meeting should be sent to one of those individuals prior to the meeting.
Accepting Board Nominees
The deadline for receiving letters and resumes from applicants shall be March 31st for a seat up for regular election at the annual (May) meeting. All letters of desire to serve and resumes shall be emailed in a Microsoft Word or Adobe format to Julie Maddox and a committee of current board members will review all applications and recommend applicants to the main board for consideration for each open seat.
The Board Chairperson shall have a new board packet ready at the same meeting following the vote, and a representative shall schedule an orientation for new members to explain the operations of the schools, a tour of the campuses, and a review of school history.
Board meetings are normally held the first Thursday of each month at 4:00pm at one of the school campuses. Look for the location on the agenda announcement page.